Strange Day

I’ve had a strange day.

I had a terrible weekend, I fought badly with my brother which rarely happens. Not because he’s not an argumentative and righteous person, because he is. But because 99.9% of the time I just ‘let it go’, I’m fantastic at not getting into arguments. I’m actually a great moderator. I’ve had years of practice. But this weekend I just couldn’t let it go. I had to go and get myself into an argument, a big one. And he and his boyfriend, my mother and little sister stayed the entire fucking weekend, which I’d only been told/asked about for the Saturday night. And it just fried my brain. I was completely exhausted and emotionally wiped out on Sunday. I couldn’t face up to the day, to uni, to anything today. I’ve been in bed watching movies on my laptop literally all day. 

I’m like that. I can’t handle so many people or giving so much energy to others. I am most definitely an introvert. I am not weird or shy, I have great social skills actually. But I can’t ignore the fact that spending time with others makes my energy extremely depleted and I can’t do it for long, I get moody and upset and can’t handle things. It’s embarrassing how emotional I get, even when there’s no arguments or problems. Just being around others is enough to drain me. 

So today I emailed my lecturer and gave him the heads up that I wasn’t coming in (you know, gotta maintain the brownie points) and laid in bed. I watched a few episodes of a fantastic travel show called Departures, I hung around online for a while, and ate a bag of snow peas and also some chocolate. 

There’s not really any point to this post, but I haven’t written anything in a while and I should keep up the habit 🙂 

p.s. I found out that the first thing Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter movies) did with his last pay check from the franchise was buy an ice cream van. How great is that. 

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